Starting Salaries in 2001 by Bachelor's Degree*

The unemployment rate for Physics grads is very low (e.g. 3%, American Institute of Physics Survey, 1995). Other tables available include Starting Masters and PhD Salaries (2001), Median 2000 salaries by profession, and Midcareer 1993 Salaries by Bachelor's degree.

Computer Science 52473
Electrical Engineering 52092
Chemical Engineering 51255
Mechanical Engineering 48588
Physics 48458 (breakdown by type of employer)
---> Computers/Engineering 55165 (36%)
---> Research/Consulting 46811 (27%)
---> Other 46840 (15%)
---> Education 29000 (12%)
---> Manufacturing 37770 (9%)
Biomedical Engineering 46678
Mathematics 44277
Environmental Engineering 42795
Civil Engineering 40979
Economics/Finance 40776
Accounting 39720
Geology 39037
Chemistry 38744
Business/Management 37844
Environmental Science 32705
Political Science 32665
English 31014
Communications 30943
History 30173
Psychology 29952
Biology 29846
Sociology 29571
Education 29183
* Information is from ``Salary Survey", published Fall 2001 by the National Association of Colleges and Employers.